8 Hacks To Cope In Family Gatherings

The family gatherings are a social event that, unfortunately, you cannot avoid forever. At some point you are obliged to attend a holiday celebration, a happy family event or a sad one. As an introvert, of course these occasions  can be a source of stress and anxiety.

Actually a part of your social awkwardness can be attributed to your relatives, that never understood you and forced you to be more social in many occasions. However, it’s not that we don’t love our families, it’s just that sometimes we need a little extra time to recharge our batteries.

But fear not, dear introvert, for I have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you manage family gatherings with ease.

Emjoy the food and fly away

Basic rules for family gatherings

  1. Arrive fashionably late: This way, you can avoid the initial rush of awkward small talk and jump straight into the action when things have settled down a bit and food is almost served!
  2. Bring a buffer: If you have a pet, bring them along. They can be a great conversation starter and give you an excuse to slip away when you need a break. Also you can bring a new gadget with you to show off and pass the time.
  3. Volunteer to help with the table and the food. With coming and going to bring stuff from the kitchen, you act busy all the time and avoid conversation.
  4. Take frequent bathroom breaks: This is a classic introvert move. It gives you a few minutes to decompress and recharge, and you get the added bonus of avoiding any potentially uncomfortable conversations.
  5. Have a secret signal: Agree on a signal with a family member or friend that lets them know when you need to escape. Whether it’s a code word or a specific gesture, having a way to communicate without causing a scene can be a lifesaver.
  6. Embrace your inner child: If you’re really feeling overwhelmed, find a kid’s table or activity and join in. Not only will you avoid the adult conversation, but you might even have some fun in the process.
  7. Avoid conversations with the relatives regarding controversial topics like politics, ethics. You will only end up angry and in despair to prove your point. Just sit silent and pretend to listen to their false opinions.
  8. Practice good posture: This one might sound strange, but trust me, it works. Standing or sitting up straight can give you an extra boost of confidence and make you feel more in control of the situation. Plus, it makes it harder for anyone to drag you into an uncomfortable conversation.

The above are ways to avoid conversations, however at some point you will be cornered and be asked personal questions regarding your work or love life. The fact is, that general answers to these questions will only bring more pressing questions that require higher detail. If you want to be honest be honest.

Answers to avoid answering personal questions

  1. I have something in the works, but I do not want to jinx it!
  2. I just came out of a serious relationship and trying to get back on my feet before starting dating again. (hopefully the family member will not continue the discussion
  3. I like being single. I really enjoy it and not looking for something serious.

Whatever your answer is, always try to make follow up question that will make the relative start telling a story about themselves (or explore more topics from the previous post)

So there you have it, dear introvert. With these tips in your back pocket, you’ll be able to conquer any family gathering with ease. Just remember, it’s okay to take breaks and recharge when you need to. Your family will understand, and if they don’t, well, that’s what the secret signal is for.


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