Going out with people from work

Whether you like it or not, as unpopular as you may think you are to your colleagues, there are times that you have to go out with people from work. Usually, these kinds of meetings take place around the holidays so that the managers can prove that they have a very united staff.

Sometimes you have to swallow the bitter pill and go

 A word of advise, try to go to this kind of meetings at least once or twice a year. However, if it is a huge event where all the company staff is invited, you can avoid going, as you will definitely be lost in the crowd and no one will notice whether you came or not. Unfortunately, these large events take place rarely nowadays and meetings in smaller groups are most common and more difficult to avoid.

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Basic tips for navigating the event:

As an daunting task as it may be for us introverts, there are tips that I have tried and tested on how to pass the time at a corporate event without losing your mind.

  1. You can always act sick and skip these gatherings. You can strengthen your argument by taking time off work due to sickness. However, you cannot pull the same trick every year. At some point, you must go to this type of gathering.
  2. Arrive a bit late. I have mentioned this trick before in family gatherings in order to avoid small talk when the group is smaller. But do not overdue it with tardiness! Here is your job environment so you should at least be there when you managers arrive since they tend to be late as well. Also, have to stay and make sure that your boss has seen you. A lot believe that you should stay till your boss leaves. We do not think that this is necessary. You could be the judge of that.
  3. If you have a person you like or a fellow introvert that can be with you all the time then you are saved. Be next to this person all the time and the time will pass like a breeze. However, if you do not have a person like that then you should set up your strategy.  
  4. The place you will choose to sit is rather important. You should sit next to a person that speaks a lot. This way he will overshadow you but your presence will be noted as everyone will watch him (and you) talking. Of course, if you feel like it, you can take part in the conversations but also, if you do not feel like talking, you can giggle so you can show that you take part in it.
  5. If you cannot find a person that speaks a lot, scope out the room and find a cosy spot where you can observe all the action without being in the thick of it. Maybe there’s a comfy couch tucked away in a corner, or a quiet table in the back where you can sit and people-watch to your heart’s content. Whatever it is, claim it as your own and make yourself at home.
  6. In order to avoid small talk, even if someone finds you in your hideout, there is the classic “pretend to be super busy on your phone” trick. Whether you’re checking your emails, scrolling through Instagram, or playing a game, this tried and tested method is a sure-fire way to pass the time without having to engage with anyone. If the person is insistent then follow the guidelines from our previous post on topics of conversation to pass the time.

Time to head out

In these types of gatherings it’s quite difficult to leave early (unless you have a child that will serve as an excuse). The main reason is that that “big” managers tend to be late on these events and arrive approximately one hour later than the predetermined time. So you need to have an excuse ready beforehand.

The excuse you may use to get out is that a friend of yours is having a birthday. Nobody can blame you that your friend has his birthday the same day that your company has its annual gathering. Other excuses that can be used should include someone else that is waiting for you as it makes it harder for others to make you stay longer. But before you leave, make sure that you have been seen by your supervisors!

I hope with these tips in your arsenal, you’ll be able to survive even the most dreaded of corporate events. Just remember to pace yourself, take breaks when you need them to find your peace and do not feel obliged to apologise to anyone for your “quite” character.


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