Welcome to my blog!

Introverts have been defined as the people who are energised mostly from solitude and quite environments. I am definitely falling to this category with no exception. I always wanted to be left alone and talk as little as possible. I was always the quite one in the family and in school. I had the privilege to be a good athlete so I avoided the necessity to socialise in school as I was mostly playing ball during recess. When I started working, things got difficult as my job required constant communication with other departments. Also the offices, where I worked, were open space and small talk with your neighbour colleagues was inevitable. 

After a few years in my corporate job, I realised that I have tested successfully strategies and excuses to avoid tasks that required socializing. So the idea for this blog was born. My intention is to share all the tips and tricks I am using in my daily life to avoid “difficult” situations that we introverts would prefer to avoid.  I hope my posts will help you to avoid misunderstandings and awkward occasions with people who do not understand your needs and preferences.

Fortunately, since the birth of this idea, circumstances have changed a lot for the introverts. The new generation (I fall to the millennial generation) is much better to set boundaries and not give a sh**t about other people’s opinion, so  the excuse “I need my space” is widely accepted among them. However, there will be always those people that simply do not understand boundaries or the need to avoid social gatherings. This blog is hoping to provide getaways from this group of people but without “hurting” their feelings and disappoint them.

I really hope you will find my blog useful and I hope you also share your experiences and your wisdom through our contact form. 


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